"The mirror of my soul"
Vol 1. Born in the USSR
Nicolai Levashov. The mirror of my soul. Born in the USSR"There are several reasons why I decided to write my own biography. First, whenever I had occasion to talk about some events of my life, my stories would often come back to me in the form of the most unimaginable "folklore." In fact, my tales took on such "facts" and colorations that even I listened to them with interest. The second reason that impelled to such a "feat" was the fact that every now and then someone would appear and offer to write my biography—and every time something stopped me. Once I even agreed to have an American woman author garner my recollections onto audiocassettes and spent several days with her recording them. But then I changed my mind and gave up the offer. First of all, I had to expend a lot of time describing and explaining events that had happened to me. Secondly, to my utter astonishment, writers and journalists managed to distort everything despite their having my recorded recollections: this would include exaggerating, distorting facts and sometimes simply telling bare-faced lies..."
© Nicolai Levashov, 2006.
Vol 2. America the Real Thing
"Being born in the USSR and having lived in this country for thirty years before my departure to the USA, I was totally sure that the socialist regime was the creation of social parasites the purpose of which was to destroy the best part of the nation — the strong people as they were called in the Torah and the Old Testament — to break the back of the nation and to convert the remaining into slaves... Leaving the USSR, I was sure that at last I was able to break loose from the "Empire of Evil" into the free world — America! I thought and wanted to believe that beyond the iron curtain was real freedom!...anticipating a little, I would like to say that I found no freedom whatsoever in the USA! On the contrary, I saw another parasitic system where people were converted into slaves whilst considering themselves to be free..."
© Nicolai Levashov, 2008.
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