Modern medicine went astray and, losing “Ariadne's thread”, is unable to get out of the labyrinth which it has created. In the middle of the 20th century physicians said that, when they had the most precise devices for diagnostics and the necessary medications, they could bring humanity to a golden era of universal health... They’ve got all this... But, nevertheless, people fall ill even more than they did before. Children are born with already damaged immune systems; on visiting a hospital or a clinic, a relatively healthy person runs a great risk of leaving it having a number of diseases, which pretty often end in death, by simply inhaling the air of these “temples of health”. In this book the author explains the reasons for this and describes the medicine of the future which is already working and demonstrates real results which confirm the rightness of this new way. In this book the author explains how the living organism works and how and why illnesses and pathologies appear. He describes the mechanisms of the scanning of the organism, the methods for determining diseases’ original causes, the strategy and tactic of healing and restoration of the organism to a healthy state, including its genetic correction.