The universe…the mystery of Life! How did life begin from non-living matter?
How did it happen that inorganic atoms, combining in various orders and quan-tities, created organic molecules, which then evolved into living matter?
The enigma of life….How did it all begin, how did it unfold and how did it bring forth such a multiplicity of living forms?
Where did man come from when he first appeared on planet Earth? Did he de-velop slowly according to the Darwinian theory of evolution? Was he thrust from the Garden of Eden in order to expiate his sins before God? Or if not God’s doing, who brought man to this planet, when, and for what purpose? And how can we ac-count for the rich diversity of all the races of man?
How did we come to possess the capacity to think? What happens to us when we die and what awaits us after death?
If there is a soul — what is it? Where does it go when we die? If heaven and hell exist, then where are they? Why do we not see them, as have those who experi-ence clinical death and then return to life with reports of being welcomed by angels and drawn into a tunnel of light? What happens at the moment of conception and how does the human embryo develop?
What is reincarnation? Do we live one or many times on this planet? Is it possi-ble for us to see into the past and future and to move through vast realms of time and space without a craft?
Are we alone in the universe?