"Spirit and Mind"
Vol. 1
Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and Mind. Vol 1Using the theory of space heterogeneity the author continues to tear the veil of secrecy from the next riddles of nature. This time living nature and man is the focal point of cognition. The author formulates what the necessary and sufficient conditions are for the origin of life on planets. The simplicity and beauty of these concepts enables a reader, possibly for the first time in his or her life, to experience enlightening by knowledge, when there is a sense that knowledge becomes an inalienable part of self. In the first volume the author describes the nature and mechanism of human emotions and shows their role in the evolution of life in general and man in particular. He explains what love is in reality and this wonderful feeling does not lose its beauty because of this explanation, but on the contrary, allows man to understand what is going on with him and avoid unnecessary disappointments… Also, the author sheds light on the nature of memory and for the first time shows the mechanisms of short-term and long-term memory forming and on this basis reveals the mechanism of the origin of consciousness.
The book contains 100 high-quality author’s illustrations.
© Nicolai Levashov 1999, San Francisco.
Vol. 2
In the second volume of the book the author clearly shows the necessary and sufficient conditions for the appearance of consciousness at a certain level of development of life. The understanding of the mechanisms of memory and consciousness forming at the level of the material bodies of a spirit explains the phenomenon of life after death happening in the state of clinical death. Owing to it, these facts leave the category of inexplicable phenomena and pass to the natural phenomena of living nature. The phenomenon of reincarnation leaves the category of religious and mystic concepts and also passes to the category of real natural phenomena. The same happens with the concepts of “karma” and “sin” which stop being the instrument of manipulation of people’s consciousness by state and religious figures and turn into manifestations of natural laws. The understanding of all this makes man truly free and gives him the opportunity to be the creator of his own life, as only man himself, not God or anyone else, determines his deeds and bears full responsibility (not just the moral one) for them.
© Nicolai Levashov 2003, San Francisco.
Vol. 3
Unwritten book..
In this volume the author continues to uncover to readers the secrets of nature. This time the nature of human psychical phenomena is the centre of his attention. The author shows a range of pioneering concepts concerning psychical phenomena of both man and society, which no one has ever touched upon before. He introduces new concepts, such as geo-psychology of man and the evolutional geo-psychology of society. These concepts allow seeing the development of earthly civilization and historical events of the past, present and even future from a quite different point of view. Instead of the “chaos” of events and the “tyranny” of individuals, which are favourite histori-ans’ subjects, we can see the pattern of events determined by real laws of nature which operate in human society. As a result, readers get the opportunity to understand the reasons for social events and phenomena and to see the puppeteers who have remained in the shadows for so long and went to great pains to declare anyone who suspected their presence but did not understand natural laws to be mad or cheaters. Also, the author introduces the concept of cosmic psychology and explains the influence of space phenomena on the development of our civilization.
© Nicolai Levashov.
Only Volume 1 is available for download.
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